Published manuscripts: Sosa, E.S., Bucholz, C.E., Hernández-Montenegro, J.D., Kipp, M.A., Tissot, F.L., Ratschbacher, B.C., Jackson, J.M., Kay, S.M. and Kay, R.W. (2024): Lower crustal control in the iron isotope systematics of plutonic xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians, with implications for arc magma geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, link.
Ratschbacher, B.C., Ardill, K., Keller, C.B., Schoene, B., Paterson, S.R., Putirka, K.D., Lackey, J.S. and Paige, M.L. (2024): Multi-scale, open-system magmatic and sub-solidus processes contribute to the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the Jurassic Guadalupe Igneous Complex, Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Geosphere, link.
Ratschbacher, B.C., Jackson, J.M., Toellner, T.S., Bucholz, C.E., Sturhahn, W., Solomatova, N.V. (2023): Fe3+/FeT ratios of amphiboles determined by high-spatial resolution single-crystal synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy, American Mineralogist, 108(1), 70-86, link.
Ratschbacher, B.C., Cawood, T., Larrovere, M.A., Alasino, P.H., Memeti V. (2021): The ≥ 6-km Cuesta de Randolfo mylonite zone in Ordovician Famatinian peraluminous granites, NW Argentina: strain-localization as a function of protolith composition. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v.112, link.
Delph, J. R., Shimizu, K., Ratschbacher, B. C. (2021): The architecture of the southern Puna magmatic system: integrating seismic and petrologic observations with geochemical modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, link.
Lusk, A. D., Ratschbacher, B.C., Larrovere, M. A., Alasino, P. H., Memeti, V., & Paterson, S. R. (2021): Upper-crustal architecture and record of Famatinian arc activity in the Sierra de Narváez and Sierra de Las Planchadas, NW Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 105, link.
Werts, K., Barnes, C. G., Memeti, V., Ratschbacher, B.C., Williams, D., Paterson, S. R. (2020): Hornblende as a tool for assessing mineral-melt equilibrium and recognition of crystal accumulation. American Mineralogist, v. 105, no. 1, p. 77-91, link.
Ratschbacher B.C., Paterson, S., Fischer, T. (2019): Spatial and depth-dependent variations in magma volume addition and addition rates to continental arcs: Application to global CO2 fluxes since 750 Ma. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 20, p. 2997-3018, link.
Ratschbacher, B., Keller, C. B., Schoene, B., Paterson, S. R., Anderson, J. L., Okaya, D., Putirka, K., Lippoldt, R. (2018): A new workflow to assess emplacement duration and melt residence time of compositionally diverse magmas emplaced in a sub-volcanic reservoir. Journal of Petrology, v. 59, no. 9, p. 1787-1809, link.
Ratschbacher, B.C., Marks, M., Bons, P. and Markl, G. (2015): Emplacement and geochemical evolution of highly evolved syenites investigated by a combined structural and geochemical field study: The lujavrites of the Ilímaussaq complex, SW Greenland. Lithos, v. 231, p. 62-76, link.
Conference contributions:
Ratschbacher B., Bucholz C.E., Jackson J.M., Solomatova N.V. (2019): Fe3+/FeT ratios in volcanic amphiboles determined by single-crystal synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy as a function of mineral composition, magmatic oxygen fugacity and post-crystallization processes. Poster presentation at the AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Ratschbacher B., Bucholz C.E., Jackson J.M., Solomatova N.V., Sosa E. (2019): Variations in Fe3+/FeT ratios in igneous amphiboles as a function of oxygen fugacity in hydrous arc magmas. Poster presentation at the GeoMünster meeting 2019, Münster, Germany.
Ratschbacher B., Bucholz C.E., Jackson J.M., Solomatova N.V. (2018): Variations in Fe3+/FeT in amphibole as a function of magmatic oxygen fugacity and mineral composition. Poster presentation at AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C.
Ratschbacher B., Paterson S., Fischer T.P. (2018): Magma addition rates in continental arcs: A new protocol of calculation and global implications. Talk at the Goldschmidt conference 2018, Boston, USA.
Delph J., Shimizu K., Rasmussen D.J., Ratschbacher B., Pu X. (2018): A geochemical and seismic search for deep, active MASH zones. Invited oral presentation at the Goldschmidt conference 2018, Boston, USA.
Werts K., Barnes C.G., Memeti V., Paterson S., Ratschbacher B., Williams D. (2018): Volcanic versus Plutonic Hornblende: Tools for Discerning Crystal Accumulation and Melt Loss. Oral presentation at the Goldschmidt conference 2018, Boston, USA.
Ratschbacher B., Cawood T., Lusk A., Larrovere M., Rock C., Alasino P., Paterson S., Memeti V. (2018): Strain localization mechanisms (or lack thereof) in a ~10 km wide, syn- to post-magmatic mylonite zone in the Famatinian arc. Poster presentation at the EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Pu X., Delph J.R., Shimizu K., Rasmussen D.J., Ratschbacher B. (2017): Where do arc magmas differentiate? A seismic and geochemical search for active, deep crustal MASH zones. Poster presentation at the AGU meeting, 2017, New Orleans.
Ratschbacher B., Paterson S., Alasino P., Larrovere M., Cao W., Okaya D. (2017): Depth-dependent changes in deformation and magmatism in the Famatinian arc. Argentina: Implications for isostatic responds and mountain building. Invited talk at GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Attia, S., Paterson S., Ardill K., Martinez A., Ratschbacher B., Cao W., Cottle J. (2017): Upper crustal Evolution during an arc flare-up: Integrating sedimentary, volcanic, and plutonic records of the Triassic-early Jurassic continental arc upper crustal section, eastern-central Sierra Nevada, CA. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Cawood T., Paterson S., Ratschbacher B., Lusk A., Larrovere M., Alasino P., Rick C., Memeti V. (2017): Strain (de)-localization in the ~ 10 km wide Cuesta de Randolfo mylonite zone, Famatinian arc. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Larrovere M., Paterson S., Alasino P., Ratschbacher B., Lusk A., Cawood T. (2017): Architecture of a crustal scale ductile shear zone system in a hot orogen: the Ordovician Famatinian orogen, NW Argentina. Oral presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Hartman S., Paterson S., Ratschbacher B. (2017): A revised loading and exhumation model for the Swakane biotite gneiss, Cascades Crystalline Core (CCC), WA: Implications for Mesozoic Tectonics. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Lusk A., Paterson S., Ratschbacher B., Larrovere M., Alasino P., Memeti V., Cawood T., Hernandez R. (2017): Deformation of the uppermost Famatinian orogen: Mapping and structural analysis from the Sierra de Narváez and Sierra de Las Planchadas, NW Argentina. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Alasino P., Memeti V., Ratschbacher B., Larrovere M., Paterson S., Lusk A., Cawood T. (2017): Geochemical architecture and evolution of the Famatinian magmatic arc crustal section in NW Argentina. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Memeti V., Paterson S., Alasino P., Ratschbacher B., Larrovere M., Ardill K., Cawood T., Lusk A., Insixiengmay L. (2017): Igneous architecture at the top of the Famatinian arc, NW Argentina. Poster presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
Ratschbacher B., Keller B., Schoene B., Paterson S., Anderson L., Okaya D., Putirka K., Lippoldt R. (2017): Time scales of construction and compositional evolution of a bimodal shallow crustal magma reservoir and implications for differentiation in the upper crust. Poster presentation at the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2017, Portland, USA.
Ratschbacher B., Paterson S., Anderson L. (2016): Investigating magmatic and tectonic processes from 5 to 30 km depth in a thick continental magmatic arc, ~ 90 Ma magmatism in the Cascades, Washington, USA. Poster presentation at the EMC conference 2016 in Rimini, Italy.
Ratschbacher B., Degrande G., Larrovere M., Paterson S. and Alasino P. (2016): A > 4 km wide ductile shear zone in the Cuesta de Randolfo: Late-stage strain localization in the Famatinian orogeny, Argentina. Poster presentation at GSA Cordillera Section Meeting, Ontario, USA